
WSC2018 Judge Workshop

A WSC Judges Certification Workshop will be held on May 17th, 2018. In order to become a WSC certified judge, you must participate in the WSC Judges Certification Workshop.


May 17th (Thu), 2018 10am - 5pm

  1. UCC Tokyo Coffee Academy
  2. Daiwa Onarimon BLDG. 6-1-11 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8577 JAPAN

Map / Google Map

Workshop Schedule
  1.  9:30 am  Registration Open
  2. 10:00 am  Morning Session
  3. 12:00 pm  Lunch Break
  4.  1:00 pm  Afternoon Session
  5.  5:00 pm  Workshop End
Contents of Workshop

  1. ・WSC Judges Code of Conduct
  2. ・Explain new and changed points of the Score Sheet
  3. ・Sensory Calibration
  4. ・Written test, Sensory test, Practical judging assessments
Prerequisites for Participants

  1. ・Be able to contribute to promoting and advancing siphon coffee
  2. ・Be able to contribute to promoting the Siphonist profession
  3. ・Be able to contribute to promoting specialty coffee
  4. ・Have engaged in siphon brewing over 3 years OR participated in Siphonist Championship as a competitor or a judge
Valid Term of Qualification

Two years

  1. ・The workshop takes place in English (WSC Official Language.)
  2. ・Those who participate in the workshop must not register for Siphonist Championship 2018 as a competitor.
  3. ・In order to become a WSC certified judge, you must pass the tests at the workshop and participate in a one-day Calibration Workshop to be held a day prior to WSC 2018.

One-day Calibration Workshop

  1. ➢Date: September 26th (WED) or September 27th(THU)
  2. ➢Venue: SCAJ World Specialty Coffee Conference and Exhibition2018(Tokyo-Big Sight)
  3. ・Please download WSC 2018 Rule and Regulations and WSC 2018 Score sheets, study and understand them in advance of participation.
Maximum No. of Participants

60 participants (Minimum 5 participants required to take place)


Participation fee: 200 USD

How to Apply

  1. Please fill out the downloaded application form and email or fax to WSC Secretariat by May 1st, 2018
  2. (If the workshop appears to be full, we will be happy to put you on our waiting list. In the event of a cancellation and the workshop becomes available, we will contact you as soon as possible)


Brewing Seminars

In order to promote siphon coffee and develop technique of siphonists, the WSC, will hold Brewing Seminars around the world upon request. The Brewing Seminar is based on the one being held in Japan and supervised by the Specialty Coffee Association of Japan (SCAJ).

Please be carefully informed about the following to request us to hold the Brewing Seminar in your country.


Two Workshops of Siphon and Filter Brewing by hand.

Required Number of Staff
  1. 1. At least one instructor and two supporting staff members to be sent by WSC.
  2. 2. The requesting country provides five supporting staff members.

*The scope of the work for the staff is to be announced.

*Thirty participants are a maximum per seminar.


1. The requesting country covers travel expenses, including air and ground transportation in the requesting country and lodging for the instructor and staff members from Japan, and shipping fees of necessary equipment. We consider to acquire electrical equipment on-site.

2. The requesting country also pays the fees below.
  • · Instruction fee of ¥15,000 JPY per day of stay for each instructor.
  • · Daily allowance of ¥10,000 JPY per day of stay for each staff member.
Schedule (tentative)
  1. 1. Workshop of Filter Brewing by Hand (3 hr.)
  2. 2. Lunch Time (1 hr.)
  3. 3. Workshop of Siphon Brewing (2 hr. 30 min.)
  4. 4. Q&A
How to Apply

Submit a request form to the WSC Secretariat three months prior to the date of the seminar requested.


If you request co-holding of WSC Judges Sending to your National Competitions and Seminars for National Competitors, we will contact you about details after accepting the request form.

The schedule and number of staff may be changed and we may request you for making an adjustment.


Sending WSC Judges to Your National Competitions

In order to expand WSC and develop technique of WSC competitors, the WSC, as requested, will send out a WSC judge(s) to your national competitions and also hold Seminars for National Competitors around the world.

Please be carefully informed to request us to hold the below.

  1. 1. Judges at your national competition in compliances with the WSC rules
  2. 2. Holds a seminar for your national competitors
Required Number of Staff
1. Number of Judges
2. Seminars for National Competitors
  • · One instructor and two supporting staff members to be sent by WSC.
  • · The requesting country arranges a Japanese-speaking interpreter.
  • · The requesting country provides five supporting staff members.
    *The scope of the work for the staff is to be announced.
  • · Thirty participants are a maximum per seminar.

1. The requesting country covers travel costs, including air and ground transportation in the requesting country and lodging for the instructor and staff members from Japan, and shipping fees of necessary equipment. We consider to acquire electrical equipment on-site.

2. The requesting country also pays the fees below.
  • · Instruction fee of ¥15,000 JPY per day of stay for each instructor.
  • · Daily allowance of ¥10,000 JPY per day of stay for each staff member.

To be announced

How to Apply

Submit a request form to the WSC Secretariat three months prior to the date of the seminar requested.


If you request co-holding of the Brewing Seminar, we will contact you about details after accepting the request form.


World Siphonist Championship 2018



World Specialty Coffee Conference and Exhibition 2018(SCAJ2018)
At Tokyo-Big Sight West Hall 3 and 4.


Tokyo Japan

What is siphone Coffee?

WSC Streaming

Specialty Coffee Association of Japan

Japan Siphonist Championship
